Otherwise, the chat serves no real function other than little communication. It's also a useful tool to use to recruit clan members. You can use the chat to communicate with other clan members to come up with team strategies when it comes to building or attacking other players.If you chat while invisible (with the Assassin Gear) then the message won't be seen, even if you become visible again.Įxpand to reveal profanity filter censored words.

When you are done typing, the screen will revert back to current time. No apostrophes can be used, and it cannot be more than 48 letters. During this, your screen will freeze until you type the message. On a mobile device, when you chat, it brings you to a screen that says: “chat message”.If someone eats while they chat, they are a scripter.When chatting, you can not move or eat or do anything except typing letters and sending them.The limit to how many characters one can type in Chat is 30.If you don't type anything and you press enter, the messaging window closes.The message will appear above the player who sent it for five seconds before disappearing. So, don't use any crude language in general. For example, capitalizing crude language can bypass the filter. Some crude language can go through undetected by modifying how you type it.For example, if you type ****ing, you will see "Moooing". Note that only the crude part is changed.

Then, it adds "o" a certain number of times to make it the same length as the word. The way the "Moo" is shown depends on how many letters are in the crude word. Note that crude language will be blocked and will turn into the term "Moo" instead.